Almost twelve months has passed since :
- My 10 week principal sabbatical, sabbatical report and video
- I joined Twitter @jennyljackson and started blogging
- I started studying Masters in Educational Leadership and writing about OPEN: How we'll work, live and learn in the future by David Price
Meanwhile, in the course of applying the principles of OPEN within the context of our school and community, creative, engaging, challenging CHANGE is happening.
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Screenshot Image reference: Professional Renewal Centre |
During the past few years, we have developed our future focused pedagogical culture, trapped within the chrysalis of a traditional school structure.
This year, we have triumphantly emerged out of the chrysallis into our Engaging Learning Spaces (ELS's) and have become totally OPEN in all that we do.
We have not relocated into a new modern learning building. Inspired by @ DavidPriceOBE and @ timl27 (read more here) we have been creative within our existing spaces.
Through dedicating some 'free time' for staff (no staff meetings) it has allowed staff a chance to find some "sacred space" (Duignan, 2008). It is through this downtime that staff authenticity, creativity, innovation and passion has found room to flourish.
We are about to commence our second term in our ELS's and already have staff from two schools keen to visit and see our ELS's in action.
We are about to commence our second term in our ELS's and already have staff from two schools keen to visit and see our ELS's in action.
I am only part way through reviewing Chapter 8 of the nine chapter book OPEN. Spending almost twelve months reviewing this book has been an ongoing learning opportunity. "Stretching out" my responses to this book has meant that I have the benefit of a never ending read. Maybe I will have to tweet David @ DavidPriceOBE and ask him to write a sequel. Instead, I need to keep reading his engaged learning blogposts
Here are just a few highlights from Chapter 8:
On page 166 Price questions the value of the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessments) in an educational world where knowledge transmission is being replaced by key competencies.
Heng Swee Keat's (Singapore's Minister of Education since 2011 - I noticed he has a Facebook fanpage with almost 19,000 likes ) agrees and shares a list of 5 traits of the 21st century teacher -
1. Ethical Educator
2.Competent professional
3,Collaborative learner
4. Transformational leader
5. Community builder
Price shares engaging details about the following innovative schools.
School of Communication Arts 2.0. London
Sydney Centre for Innovation in Learning (SCIL)
Here are just a few highlights from Chapter 8:
On page 166 Price questions the value of the PISA (Programme for International Student Assessments) in an educational world where knowledge transmission is being replaced by key competencies.
Heng Swee Keat's (Singapore's Minister of Education since 2011 - I noticed he has a Facebook fanpage with almost 19,000 likes ) agrees and shares a list of 5 traits of the 21st century teacher -
1. Ethical Educator
2.Competent professional
3,Collaborative learner
4. Transformational leader
5. Community builder
Price shares engaging details about the following innovative schools.
School of Communication Arts 2.0. London
Sydney Centre for Innovation in Learning (SCIL)
These are a must read. I would love to plan a staff visit to a boot camp at SCIL Stephen Harris @Stephen_H is the principal of Northern Beaches Christian School and Founding Director of SCIL. Ann Knock @AnneKnock is an inspirational professional leader on the team. Both leaders share their skills on Twitter.
There is much more in this chapter, some of it I have referred to here. I am not the only local person reading OPEN. Colleagues across New Zealand have also been reflecting on it's content as well as local members in our community.
A message for David Price from Gloria Hurst in Oamaru
News about going OPEN is slowly spreading through Oamaru. Gloria Hurst, a passionate community educator, who connected with our school through the Whitestone Learning and Change network and the Community Gardens sums it all up here:
"Oamaru is a small town learning fast about connecting,sharing and collaboration.
We are seeing this change of attitude within families,schools and businesses.
Even council is understanding the benefits of working alongside community.
There appears to be a critical mass going OPEN.
It is exhilarating and magical to live in a connected town.
Your book,OPEN has reinforced what we are experiencing.
The timing was perfect .
As we share it with others, awareness grows.
Thank you David for putting this ‘dynamic energy’ into words.
Love to have you visit OPEN OAMARU one day.
Your philosophies are in action here!"

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