Lachlan opened the meeting with a prayer and chaired the meeting:
These are the questions from the council reps -
Chess Club - Have we got chess boards ? Could we have a competition? Year 8's Antonia, Noah and Lachlan will organise a list to collect names and arrange a competition.
Sports equipment for classes - where are we at with this ? Can we organise a box for PE equipment ? Noah had the idea of creating a list of what could be used. Jacob suggested the older equipment from the PE shed. Noah and Jacob will help organise this.
Can the Yr 8 House captains organise a senior Hub 1, 2 netball tournament ? This will have to go to the House Captains.
Can we have a Quiz day ? Maybe some of our Yr 8 senior leaders can arrange this.
Can we organise a Dance Club ? Miss Lind is already organising a gym/dance club.
Can we have chicken wire on the hedge to put behind the goal posts to stop the balls going over ?
New goal posts have been ordered. Matthew suggested wire nets.
Alexie would like a PJ day, Rylie would like a building class.
We agreed there would be no climbing trees over the autumn/ winter period.
The children asked about the hole in the rugby field. We will ask Mr Jelgersma to fill it in.
School Council Week 4 Term 2
Follow up from last week's meeting: Thanks to Noah for chairing this meeting.
Rubbish - Troy has been collecting rubbish. There is still too much around the place. What can we do as a school council ? Lachlan will put a bin out on the field.
Hedge - Going well since we made the changes.
Tackle Rubgy - Mr C and Miss Tangney are the teachers to talk to. They will supervise SH2 in gym gear.
Water fountains - Can we get one on the field ? This would be too expensive. Maybe take water bottles onto the field. Looking at a new drink fountain for senior 2017.
Milk - The school councillors have noticed squashed milk cartons on the netball courts. There shouldn't be anyone with milk on the field or the courts. They need to sit on the seats if outside with milk. Conaver volunteered to wheel a milk bin outside.
Special Character Leaders Week 4 Term 2
What's going well ? The little plays and videos for kotuitui are going well and children are more engaged. We have seen the little kids more focussed.
Continue to do this for the rest of the term, action songs and videos, help the children to participate as they can visualise the gospel meesage..
The colouring competition went well and we will look at another one later in the year.
We could have some colouring ready for a rainy day.
Develop Caritas further through activities that will increase the mission money. Holy Shop prize. Model it along the lines of the parish collections. The classes need some mission boxes.
Rhea and Jack will email the Catholic Enquiry Centre or for some Missionz They will share a video at kotuitui and try to encourage the children to donate to the missions. Here is the video that explains about being children missionaries.
House Captains Week 4 Term 2
Swimming Sports - Went well apart from some children not keen. The 'motivational support' from Kaleb proved valuable. Supported and got the children involved. Dressing in house colours went well and the mascots.
Supporter of the Month - someone who generally supports the different sports
Present at assembly. Harriet and Elizabeth will design a certificate.
Start this Friday, one house captain presents certificate and the other gives the medal. Guzman will start.
Winter 7's tackle rugby tournament - Sebastian, Kaleb and Halalova to draft a plan of how this will happen. Dates over the next weeks and a list of what they need eg. spare clothes.
Student Leaders 2016 Week 4 Term 2 2016
Head Students and Deputies:
Kotuitui - After trialling opportunities for other leaders, we believe that this can continue as the sole responsibility for the Heads and Deputies. They will work a roster out amongst themselves.
Assemblies - Develop a visual roster based on interest from Yr 8's, Yneke and Duran to create this. Fill in with Year 6's during tech times - for the remainder of the year.
Mini Olympics - Term 3 around the same time as the Olympics. Base it around the 2012 Mini Olympics model held at St Joseph 's - Year 8's took responsibility.
Timeline, groupings numbers, flags, stations and sports, opening ceremony, closing ceremony and presentation, prizes..
Action: Come to ur next meeting with a draft plan for this.
Student Leaders Week 3 Term 2 2016
soccer posts, hedges and the nozzles on the sprinklers in the vegetable garden.
There are also concerns by the council about stones being thrown on the grass and food in the playground.
Student Leaders Week 1 Term 2 2016
Beginning of the term catch up Yr 3-6.
Reflection from last term - juniors not happy with children swinging on the soccer poles. They could use the bars instead. Still a problem with kids climbing too high on the trees - can we put a mark on the tree ?
Hedges- Mr Jelgersma's yellow sticks, We need to remind children about this at kotuitui.
Reminder about only throwing balls on the courts and only kicking on the field.
Apples being thrown at the cars in Reed Street.
Milk containers aren't all being folded- flattening - not everyone knows how. Some kids are lazy. Review the milk systems.
Symbol for each class - to go on front of doors.
1:30 might be a better time or straight after lunch for our future meetings.
Student Leaders 2016 Week 5 Term 1 2016
What do they believe a leader does? Set an example, show other students what they can be, like, new ways to do things, cooperate with most people.
What have they done so far ? Kotuituis, wrote some information on a doc, saying thanks to visitors - public speaking, helping out on visits...
What would they like to happen ?
Mini Olympics - Olympic signifies unity and the world come together
Assemblies/ kotuituis with head students leading assemblies. They will take this to the class and check the class response.
Mackenzie, Seth, Tegan,Duran, Yneke, Joseph |
Junior Liasion leaders Week 5 Term 1 2016
JH1 -Isabella, Tyla JH2 - Roger , Charlotte
Ideas:Jump Jam, games, colouring competition, planning some engaging activities for learning. The leaders will introduce themselves to teachers and classes and join once a week for morning prayers.
Roger, Isabllea, Tyla and Charlotte |
School Council Week 5 Term 1 2016
Kia, Daniel, Alexie, Riley, Hana, Hotili, Fergus, Peta, Antonia, Tessa, Skyla, Jada-Rose, Jacob & Tristan |
We discussed the way the meetings worked, with the Year 8's charing the meeting and taking minutes. Jacob started the meeting with a prayer.Jacob: Yr 7 & 8's tackle rugby ? PE uniform, parent permission could be an option, Jacob to talk to Year 8 boys about other days that would make it work and bring these to the meeting next week.
Hana: Rubbish in the playground. Fergus suggested sitting by the classrooms to eat. Antonia suggested another rubbish bin on the field.
Riley: Can we have another Pet Day 2016 & puppy display ? Everyone agreed they would like to repeat this event.
Skyla: We need more soil for the school garden and maybe horse poo as well.
Other suggestions: Sports equipment for the playground, maybe put class names on it
Volunteers, school councillors to run games at lunchtimes.
Mini Olympics across the school like last time with flags and opening ceremony.
We finished the meeting by talking about the importance of sharing these ideas with their classes and coming to next weeks meeting with some next steps.
House Captains Week 5 Term 1
We discussed the list of events they would like to make happen for this year. First priority is the swimming. Relays: teams almost organised. Consider letting the rest of their teams know about house colours. We will look at the rest of the list at our next meeting.
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Halalova, Harriet, Elizabeth, Kaleb, Sebastian & Ruby House Captains 201 |
Week 1 Term 1
I met with the Catholic Character Leaders to discuss and plan how to engage the whole school in prayer during weekly kotuitui times. We spoke about sharing the good news of the Gospel through stories and slides. This week's Gospel was Luke 5:1-11. Here are some
slides Rhea, Jack and Michael created and used this week. This fitted in perfectly with the creative video the Year 8's made to share at our first school/parish mass.
School Councillors Week 9 Term 4 2015
Pet Day - Students were pleased with how well it went. They
felt it could be improved by fencing off more areas.
Cats and guinea pigs need to be in a more accessible place.
Perhaps they could be under the verandas outside a
We celebrated their final meeting with a special thank you
afternoon tea.
Junior Liaison Leaders Term 4 2015
Tannah has been proactive with regards to coordinating a Junior Talent Show for the children in Year 1-3 with the help of the other junior leaders. She shared several google docs with Mrs Jackson as part of her planning and preparation.
The show was a success and I congratulate the junior performers for participating with confidence. Well done to Tannah and the Year 8 leadership team for actioning your vision. That's what leaders do.
Here is a video with snippets from the performances.
Deputy Headstudents Week 4 Term 4
Friendship bracelets - possibly set up a lunch time for loomband bracelet making workshops. Either sell them or donate them to early childhood centres or rest homes and deliver them personally.
Think of some different options for raising money for a good cause.
Silent art auction is another possibility.
Headstudents Week 4 Term 4
Hope to resume worship band after camp, there were delays last term with skiing etc.
Drum fundraising still needs to happen. It needs to be a self sustaining band. If Mr Cartlidge isn't there for practice we need someone else to help to support the band.
Next steps:
1. Siva to see if there are other students from Yr 6/7 keen for next year.
2. Joel to organise a practice with the existing band for a performance during multi cultural day.
3. Mrs Jackson to put it in a notice and take the opportunity to raise funds towards a drum kit. Donations for a multi cultural worship band through dressing up in cultural costumes.
House Captains Week 4 Term 4
Feedback from house choirs experience:
It was fun, challenge to get the children to follow instructions, disappointing when children that had been given roles on the night didn't bother to turn up or let us know that they weren't going to come (eg. the two front rows for Guzman had to become one row), good experience except for practices some people took over but we resolved this, people doubting the song choice and not supporting the song with the most votes- being resilient is very important, great to get praise and thanks from everyone, some people talking back and a need for respect. Overall, it was a good leadership experience.
11th December House Colours Day - They will go and organise junior and senior games and how to promote these.
Year 8 School Council Leaders Week 1 Term 4
We met to discuss the finer details around Pet Day - a student led initiative. All applications were collated and divided into junior and senior hub sections. We discussed health and safety and the handling of pets and agreed that a morning session would be the safest option. Mrs Jackson shared the "Blessing of the Pets'' liturgy prepared by Mrs Burke to include at 10am with Fr Wayne.
Here are further details for families:
St Joseph's Inaugural Pet Morning Friday 16th October
Proudly sponsored by the Veterinary Centre, Oamaru
9:00 Prepare for Pet Show Parade and activities on the field
(see details in the activity section below).
10:00 Liturgy to bless the pets led by School Council with Fr
10:30 - 11:00 Pets to be collected and taken home (or at a
later time only as agreed with Mrs Jackson).
Pony rides available for the rest of the day under adult
2:00 - 2:20 Vet Centre special guests to talk to whole school
in the hall ( parent welcome) followed by a 5 minute break.
2:30 School assembly including the presentation of pet
awards and certificates.
- For Junior Hubs ( Yr 1-3) An adult must accompany the pets. The pet can be brought along for the pet parade at 9am and be taken home at a time that suits before or by 11am
- All cats must be in a cat carrier. Cats and other small pets from Section 3 will be set up in the hall
- All other pets - it is the responsibility of the owner to ensure the pets are tied, have water and be able to dispose of any droppings in the special bin provided. Dogs must remain on a lead and outside at all times.
- This is an outdoor event apart from the section 3 pets in the hall. Pet morning will be postponed if it raining. You will be notified by 7:30am on Friday on the school Facebook Page if this happens.
Participation Certificates will be awarded for all pets and
special awards for the following :
Section 1 - Farm Animals, Best Overall
Judges: Nina, Maddison, run by Zach, Christian
Section 2 - Dogs, Best Dog Yr 1-4 and Best Dog Yr 5-8
Judges: Mekeisha, Niveek, run by Abigail with support from Zach and Christian
Section 3 - Indoors, Cats and other pets, Best Overall
Judges: Trish, Siva run by Ella
Activities - (some of these)
Section 1 (farm animals)
- Obstacle course.
- Show parade
- Parading your animals around an area, getting judged on their appearance, and how well you can handle them.
- Obedience
Section 2 (Dogs)
- Obstacle course
- Agility running in and out of standards .
- How high can you jump your pet in a race on the netball court ?
- Obstacle course
- Talents your pet has. Why do you think you pet is special ?
Section 3 (Cats, rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs.)
- Tell us about your pet any talent, habits and funny things they have done.
- A presentation that you have made on your pet to show the judges.
Any other questions can be directed to Mrs Jackson on behalf of the school council. Thanks to our Year 8 student organising committee for making this day a reality for all of our students.
School Council Week 9 Term 3
1. We need Year 8's to organise some games. Elle has
volunteered but we need someone else.
2. Afternoon break - please ensure children get out as soon
as bell goes and also at 3pm.
3. Sandpit is working really well. People are learning how to
make bridges towers and more.
4. Soccer - big kids and little can play safely together
5. Reminder to girls about keeping the toilets tidy and boys
too. It seems that its the junior boys and some senior (Yr 6
down) ones.
6. Junior toilets signage to be checked.
7. Some of the Year 5's are using bad language
Junior Hub 1 Leadership meeting Week 6 Term 3
Today I met with nine children from Junior Hub 1 who have taken on new leadership roles. We discussed their roles and what they would be responsible for:
1. Leading small groups of 3 to 4 learners.
2. Being awesome role models by listening to instructions and supporting their group members with tasks.
3. Helping their group members when they are unsure about an activity.
4. Taking care of new visitors to the hub or a new learner in their group and making them feel welcome.
5. Asking their group members a question to check if they need help.
6. Helping learners go and join into the right group activity.
7. Supporting them to feel good about their learning.
We discussed the idea of special leadership badges and will talk about some ideas with Miss Gray.
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Our awesome Junior Hub 1 leaders |
School Council Meeting Week 6 Term 3
Wacky Hair Day went really well. Although some people didn't bother.
Pet Day on Friday of Week 9. Abigail has prepared detailed plans.
Animals will need to be on leashes. We don't want the pets to be a problem. Can we have a quite area for the pets that want to sleep ? Can we have mufti for pet day ? - Yes
First 15 applications for farm animals would be enough.
The seniors will create a notice to hand out and put on the newsblog this week.
Mr Jelgersma to open up one extra area of the bike shed to keep bikes and scooters dry.
Ella is keen to start her dance group and has been working with Maria to prepare.
School Council Meeting Week 3 Term 3
Wacky Hair Day next Friday.The seniors will create a notice to hand out and put on the newsblog.
Please ask Mr Jelgersma to check the loose rubbish bin in the senior playground.
The children feel that we need to taking better care of the environment - message to be shared at kotuitui along with other messages from last week.
We need to set up some opportunities for kids to be active in the playground. Mrs Souness is going to meet with the House Captains about to running sportgames.
Ella is keen to set up a dance group with her background in all kinds of dance.
School Council Meeting Week 2 Term 3
Mrs Jackson welcomed the new school councillors from Year 3-7 and Ella from Year 8.

Zach opened with a prayer and explained how the meetings run.
Mrs Jackson read through the minutes from the last meeting at the end of Term 2.
Christian suggested that every Year 8 could be a peer mediator even when they are not officially on duty and wearing the yellow sash. Zach agreed and said that all Year 8's are trained in peer mediation.
The Year 8 leaders will talk to the whole school at kotuitui on Tuesday about the following concerns that the children discussed:
- Boys respecting the toilets by using them appropriately.
- Some racism on the football field.
- Swearing by some of the Year 6's and bad role modelling.
- Tackle bullrush - just touch not tackle
We agreed that all of these could be addressed through our school values and Veritas Guidelines. The Year 8's will remind the students about these as well.
They also would like to address the property committee and caretaker with the following:
- Possibility of extend the scooter and bicycle shed to provide more shelter ?
- Hedges are quite low now and it's easier for the balls to go over.
The councillors were presented with their badges on Friday and have been nominated for two terms. They will need to ensure they get time during class to report back from the meeting and take requests to the meeting from their classes.
Headstudents Week 11 Term 2
Concert fundraiser on Friday 24th July. Siva and Joel will liaise with the band and organise a notice. Band is going well. They will think about playing at the penguin colony.
Deputy Leaders Week 11 Term 2
They had a meeting in week 8 although the minutes of the meeting weren't saved.
Canteen - going well. Although they would like to revisit the timetable for Wednesdays and Fridays so that everyone get at least one Wednesday and Friday.
We need to check with Mr Moore about Canteen bandanna.
They would like to come up with an idea for a different kind of fundraiser.
Also keen to start up something else like a lunchtime chess tournament or a science fair. They will plan and prepare.
House Captains Week 11 Term 2
Certificates for Jump Jam - going better now. They will present certificates to children that are doing well.
Sports Certificates - This week the students will choose some students.
Beginning to prepare for House Colours Day- everyone takes a game and they rotate
Questions about Singing Cup. Mrs Brookes will coordinate it this year. They were asking when the trials will start and can they start at the start of the term.
School Council Meeting Week 9 Term 2
Christian opened the meeting with a prayer. Zach chaired the meeting and Abigail took the minutes.
These are the children's concerns:
1. Playground behaviours. A reminder to talk to the duty teachers as soon as something happens so that they can act on it straight away. The duty teachers wear bright green vests so that they can be easily spotted.
2. Some flooding in the toilets caused by paper. We are going to be more observant and find out who is responsible.
3. Tree climbing. We will start again next week with one class per week and starting with Year 4.
4.Balls on the road. There are children kicking balls up at the power lines and on to the road.
5. Seating in the hall for Year 7 and 8 for assembly. That will be a privilege for them.
5. Fundraising. Cassidy would like to cut her hair for cancer. Voting throughout the school is in favour of a wacky hair day for early next term.
Head Students Week 9 Term 2
Fundraiser for the drums. Car wash is not possible. They are exploring the possibility of a lunchtime or end of day concert before the end of term.
Mrs Jackson to talk to the Country and Western people about Joel's drum kit. It was disassembled on the weekend.
Special Character Leaders Week 9 Term 2
Sharing the gospel of the week at kotuitui:
We will get a children's bible from the Holy Shop so that they can model reading it. Then the children who have been presented with these might do the same at home or at school.
Day 1: Introduce it and read it listen and reflect carefully
Day 2: Think of a word that stands out to you and tell us the word at the end
Day 3: Read and reflect on the meaning of the story
Laura and Ardan learnt that when you work with a partner you need to collaborate together to make things run smoothly.
They will help with the gospel with Junior Hub 1 for this week.
School Councillors Week 9 Term 2
Fundraiser idea - bike racing trip. They will expand and give some more detail. They still like the wacky hair idea as well. The meetings are going well but it's important to have someone record their ideas. We need to plan for the final thank you morning tea for the mid year change over.
Performing Arts Leaders Week 9 Term 2
The auditions are going well and the two winners will perform at our final assembly for the term on the 3rd July. We could take a video to share with others.
Prizes will be:
1st Scrap book and pen to use to write songs Yr 6, 7, 8
2nd: Smaller note book and pen
3rd: Clear folder to keep music in
1st: Canteen voucher Yrs 4, 5
2nd:Smaller note book and pen
3rd:Clear folder to keep music in
Junior Liaison Leaders Week 9 Term 2
Lunchtime games going well with the juniors. Simple games like chasey work well.
Would like to plan a sports afternoon during a PE session with both JH 1 and JH 2. It would help to plan some guidelines and expectations for behaviour.
They will be helping the junior classes with morning prayers.
They will also set up a plan for a junior talent show for next term.
House Captains Week 8 Term 2
Nominated by the coaches - presented some awards and will look at doing them fortnightly
Jump Jam - Start once a week, need to look at management of young children, looking for more songs and dance moves,
Come up with 4 guidelines for Jump Jam expectations and check out more music etc Keep it to 15 minutes 12:15, Start in Week 9
Colours Day further ideas: sports day as well spread across the day with the four hubs. Best dressed in each hub for each house - school canteen vouchers for prizes. End of Term 3.
School Council News 27th May 2015
- Use the high basketball hoop instead of one of the netball hoops or switch when needed
- Wacky Hair or Wacky shoe fundraiser for new hoop.Council will ask their classes.
- Equipment for senior playground like tyres etc
- Council concerned about children littering playground and in bushes. Suggest that any children coming out with food wrappers need to sit next to a rubbish bin before going off to play.
- Is there anything that the junior classes need ?
- Concern that people are inside during lunch and morning tea when everyone should be outside
Year 8 leaders speak to the St Kevin's staff
Six of our Year 8 leaders - Siva, Joel, Ardan, Laura, Mannix and Trish - spoke to a wide collection of different teachers about their expectations of going to high school next year; different things that are working for their learning at intermediate level, and what aspects of their schooling they would like to see continue when they move onto St Kevin's College next year as Year 9 students.
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Photo and news link thanks to Mr Moore our Year 8 teacher |
The worship band has formed with Siva, Joel, Trish, Mr Cartlidge, Christian, Seth, Peta, Cameron and Joshua.
Practices will be moved to the hall on Wednesdays and Fridays.
They would like the school to purchase a drum kit. They have been searching online to see what is available.
There is a drumkit available from Mainstreet Musicworks. It is the Ashton Drum Kit Rock, 5-piece, silver for $659. They would like to raise the funds with a sausage sizzle and a car wash. They could combine this with busking as well.
Performing Arts Leader Week 6 Term 2
They would like to organise a Talent show : Yr 4,5 as one section Yr 6,7,8 as another
Mr Cartlidge to judge with Aarran and Mekeisha.
1st, 2nd 3rd for both sections.
They stressed that there would be no inappropriate songs or dance moves. They need to let the leaders know if they will use a memory stick or device.
They will have elimination rounds and then the final with three contestants in each section.
They will announce it at kotuitui and make a sign up sheet.
Finale in week 10. Auditions week 8 Wednesday.
The winners could share their performances at celebration kotuitui.
School Council (Next meeting is on this Wednesday)
Last meeting the kids were keen to have a Whacky Hair Day as a fundraiser.
Track pants for on the grass in the winter. Zach will remind the school at the next kotuitui.
Basketball hoop fundraisers - maybe cheese rolls,
Respect for the school equipment is important and they would like to reiterate this to the classes.
Deputy Head Students Week 6 Term 2
Canteen is going well and Nina and Tess love the burgers. "The beef melts in your mouth, it's so warm." Roster is sorted. We need to look at Tech days and organise the Year 6's to help on a Friday. The people on that week will liaise with Miss Huls about this. Lunches will be brought out to technology. Calling out the names would be faster than trying to find them when they are lined up.
Fundraising options for the broken basketball hoop.Could we look at raising funds for a new one/
Special Character Leaders Week 6 Term 2
Read the gospel of the week at kotuitui: Ask them to be silent and listen to the word
Monday: Introduce it and read it slowly.. The Gospel of the Lord
Tuesday: Read it and think of one word that stands out for them.
Wednesday: Read it again, think about a message that comes from the story for them
Listen to 5 responses each day.
Laura and Ardan will design a Holy Shop poster to be used as a coloring competition
National Young Leader's Day Week 4 Term 2
Here is the information taken from the Year 8 blog :
Our Year 8 class were lucky to be involved in the National Young Leaders' Day in Dunedin on Monday (NYLD.) This interactive event is organised to inspire and build the next generation of leaders in New Zealand, and they are held in 7 locations around the country. Over 1200 intermediate students from the Otago region attended.
You can read more at this link.
House Captains Week 1 Term 2
Reflecting on swimming from last term - it went well and they enjoyed their roles as leaders.
We need to sort out a new Guzman house captain.
They would like to organise a house colours day and have best dressed from each hub. They would organise sports and games and have a house colour's raffle.
They would like to run some jump jam sessions for the juniors. We need access to the resources and then the leaders can prepare and start in week 4.
They would like to create certificates and present them to sports players. They will design these and prepare some criteria to share with the children.
Head Students Week 1 Term 2
They will be starting a worship band with Mr Cartlidge.
Band members : Siva, Joel, Trish, Mr C, Christian, Seth
Worship songs, perform at assembly and associate with the choir.
What can we do about the instruments ? We will talk to Mr C about that.
We need to think about a transition band in Term 4 to keep it going.
They wish to have a bike trip for Year 8's. Can we organise this? They will talk to Mr Moore.
Siva and Joel would like to run a Zumba club during lunchtimes under the verandas in the senior school.
They would also like to organise a performance each week at assembly from a student who has something special to share.
Deputy Head Students Week 1 Term 2
Canteen questions from the students today : What will happen when Technology is on? We will choose some reliable Year 6's.
Further questions:
Will the orders be made up into bags ? Classes ? Families? How will they be set up ?
Will we collect the orders on a Wednesday after prayers ?
Mrs Jackson to contact Maree and the other mums who are happy to help.
The children can come and buy juicies on the day.
For the first day, all of the deputy students will help out and then we can work out a roster.
The deputy students will prepare a timetable for kotuitui's and assemblies. They will share it with Mrs Jackson.
Junior Liaison Leaders Week 9 Term 1Further questions:
Will the orders be made up into bags ? Classes ? Families? How will they be set up ?
Will we collect the orders on a Wednesday after prayers ?
Mrs Jackson to contact Maree and the other mums who are happy to help.
The children can come and buy juicies on the day.
For the first day, all of the deputy students will help out and then we can work out a roster.
The deputy students will prepare a timetable for kotuitui's and assemblies. They will share it with Mrs Jackson.
On Wednesday Samuel, Jordan and Tyler organised a football game with a large group of excited junior children. Well done boys for putting your plans into action.

Cody,Tannah and Alyssa presented the prizes to the winners of the colouring competition at kotuitui. Well done for planning, preparing,collecting, judging and presenting the prizes. It is easy to be a leader and say what you will do. It is much harder to put your words into action. Kaipai to our Year 8 leaders.
Student profiles need to be completed. The councilors would like to lead some sports games with the senior children next term: basketball, soccer, netball and rugby. Advertise and promote games in week 1 and then commence in week 2. They will swap around leadership roles for the running of the meetings next term. The school councilors will support the deputy students with running of the school canteen.
Junior Liaison Leaders Week 9 Term 1
Colouring competition completed and judged. They will announce winners on Wednesday at kotuitui. There will be small prizes - 30 little chocolate eggs.
Samuel and Jordan plan to play lunchtime games with the junior children this Wednesday. They will let the children know where and when to meet them at kotuitui on Tuesday. Alyssa would like to lead some jump rope games at lunchtime. Tannah and Cody would like to plan a sports afternoon with the juniors. They will do some planning over the holidays and bring it to the group to plan and action for next term.
Utu is sadly finishing next week and going to live in Christchurch. The leaders will teach a Samoan greeting to the whole school next week during kotuitui time.
Talofa lava Hello.....o ae mai oe How are you ?
Next term, they will start with Tongan.
Malo e lei lei Hello fe fe hake How are you ?
School Council meetings Week 8 Term 1
Discussion about trees. Tree licenses. Include hedges.Senior Hub 1 and 2. Card or Year group and names. Connect to learner licenses.
Criteria: 1-2 weeks of people showing that they can be trusted, only 2 trees by north gates, consequence, a different year group each week,
Other options for playing in the playground: hedges, school equipment, Some of our Year 8's will organise games
Boys hand driers need to be checked please
Deputy Head Students
We looked at this site and the information from last year. We spoke about kotuitui and that it was going well. Now that Tech at St Kevin's is over for the term then they will be able to host assemblies.They wondered about another Caritas Challenge. We spoke about them taking a lead role with the school canteen. We also reflected on some of the ideas from past years: ping pong tournaments and mufti days.
Multicultural Leaders
They would like to organise another dress up cultural day with a shared lunch like last year and play cultural games.
A cultural theme for projects and then have an open sharing time for these would be ideal.
They would like to have a Multicultural Day or week (an hour a day) at the end of Term 2
They will think about other ideas eg. greetings at kotuitui in different languages
Special Character Leaders
Today I met with Laura, Ardan was away sick. We looked at this blog and talked about what the Catholic Leaders have done in the past : read at mass or liturgies, kotuitui prayers, Catholic themed colouring competition. Ardan and Laura have already stepped up well with these responsibilities already.
Laura wondered how they could be more involved in the Thursday class masses. For example, greeting the parishioners would be quite nice.
Junior Liaison Leaders
We discussed the way our meetings work and some plans for making things happening.
Cody suggested that they could create a google doc and share it with each other and the teachers.
Ideas: Sports day,artwork - painting competition, lunchtime games for juniors.
They will divide up into hubs and go to morning prayers twice a week (alternate).
Liaise with the junior teachers about best days.
School Council meetings Week 4 & Week 6 Term 1
Some of the points discussed at our meetings so far include:
- Solutions for protecting the trees if we climb them - signs, monitors
- extending the bike shed - alternatively use the cycle stands in the school grounds
- different stands for scooters
- redoing the asphalt on the basketball court
- school canteen - healthy food options
- only able to ride scooters on far netball court after school, no riding in the mornings
- sunblock on the picnic table to promote sun safe awareness
School Councillors Week 4
The group agreed on a delegation of roles for Term 1:
Chairperson - Zach, Deputy - Tyler, Minute taker - Christian, Support for younger Councillors - Abigail
We discussed the format of meetings - Agenda, concerns, new ideas
Performing Arts Leader Week 4 and 6
We discussed the potential of this new leadership role for 2015 : drama and talent shows were suggested. They were keen to ensure that every class has a stereo and a good selection of CD's for prayers.
They would use kotuitui time to pass on messages and requests.
House Captains Week 4 and 6
We talked about the year ahead and how they could action any plans or ideas. Some suggestions were : Daffodil Day netball game and a spelling bee
The swimming sports is their first main event to shine as house leaders especially with regards to the house relays.
They will record ideas and come to the next meeting with timelines and suggestions for making them happen.
Term 1 2015
It was a pleasure to be able to present our class of 28 Year 8's with their leadership badges for 2015 on Friday. I asked them to share their feelings about the new year and their leadership roles in front of the whole school and parents and visitors. Their responses were sincere and from the heart and touched us all. Every year, our Year 8's seem to visibly radiate an aura of new found confidence and self-esteem when they become the senior leaders in the school. There were certainly 400 eager young eyes looking up our 2015 Year 8's during our recent presentation ceremony.
Student Leadership round up Term 4
Our Year 8 leaders spent the first few weeks of term preparing for the traditional tramp camp to Mt. Somers. The Road Safety leaders shared an outing with Constable Carrie Hamilton and the School Council had a thank you morning tea with Mrs Jackson. Thanks to Mrs Souness, the School Council request for end of term 'water fights' became a fun reality. Preparation began for the Year 7/8 social and end of year prize giving. All of the leaders helped Mr Moore prepare for the 60's theme social and created the colourful 'hippie van' for the photo shoots. Our Head students - Jack and Francesca were invited to participate in the St Kevin's prize giving for the very first time and then confidently presented their final speeches to our school community at the graduation mass.
Meanwhile, our Year 7's submitted their CV's and letters of application for their leadership roles for 2015. Interviews took place and the new roles were announced on the last day of the school year. Plans are underway for badge presentation and a Leadership Camp in 2015.
Student Leader catch up Term 3
Catholic Cultural Leaders:Held a successful coloring competition in the junior school and are busy preparing for the Singing Cup
School Council Leaders:Proudly supported the Home & School disco and had a couple of prep meetings with Claudine
Head Students: Played and won 12-8 against the staff in the annual Daffodil Day netball fundraiser. What an awesome team they were :)
House Captains: Presently supporting the Catholic Cultural Leaders with the House Choirs for the singing cup
Student Leaders Term 3 Week 1 & 2
Head Students: After organising the certificates to recognise success at representative level last term, they are preparing for a Ping Pong tournament. Sign up sheets have been organised and they have promoted the tournament at kotuitui time.
Catholic Cultural Leaders: They organised a very successful Talent show. Learn more and view photos on the St Joseph's News Blog via this link.Their next project is to prepare for the House Choir competitions.
Junior Liaison Leaders: They joined the 5 year olds in Kauri and played a game with a small group during afternoon break and then settled them into class with a prayer. They will join Kawakawa in Week 3 but will go and talk to the class at 1:35pm before they go outside so that the children know about the game in advance. They aim to liaise with ruma rimu in Week 4 and ruma Tawa in week 5.
House Captains: They will stop the Zumba classes for Term 3 and will liaise with the Cultural Leaders for the House Choirs and the Singing Cup. They will help Mrs Souness prepare for the Cross Country.
School Council News Term 3 Week 1 & 2
Our Term 1 and Term 2 Councillors were thanked with a special morning tea during week 1.
Our new Councillors for Term 2 met during week 2 and the Year 8 leaders shared news and achievements from Term 1 with them.
Year 8 House Captains organise House Mufti Games
During our meeting on the 16th June, the house captains (Inoke, Jerome, Kelsey, Polly, Brendan,Taylor) began planning for the House Mufti Day. They organised 2 games sessions. One session was for the juniors from year 1-3 and the 2nd session was for the seniors from years 4-8. They prepared teams and lists as well as organised a variety of games and equipment. These sessions on Friday 4th July were overwhelmingly successful and a credit to our young leaders.
Having ideas is the easy part of being a leader, bringing your ideas alive is the challenge. Well done to our house captains for actioning their ideas and making them a reality for the whole school to enjoy on the last day of term.
School Council Meeting1st July 2014
Present: Abby (Secretary), Ben (Chair today), Cameron & Joshua (Health & Safety), Annalise & Henry Yr 3 Junior school reps, John & Mia Yr 4, Vince & Stefanie Yr 5, Taine & Jordan Yr 6, Abigail & Tim Yr 7, Mrs Jackson
Concerns brought up by the children and solutions suggested by the children
- Climbing trees in the senior school - we will allow this and trial it to a safe height in Term 3. The children went out to the play ground to check trees and decide on the safe options.
These trees have been tested by the School Council and our climbing trees in Term 3 |
2.Peer Mediators will now be called PLAYGROUND HELPERS. They will share this at kotuitui at start of Term 3
The final meeting for the the Term 1 and 2 reps will be in week 1 Term 3. There will be a thank you morning tea during this week as well.
3. Year 3's are making posters with Miss Huls to encourage use of appropriate language. Jordan suggested Year 6's also make some posters
3. Year 3's are making posters with Miss Huls to encourage use of appropriate language. Jordan suggested Year 6's also make some posters
School Council Meeting 24th June 2014
Present: Abby (Secretary), Riley (Chair today), Cameron & Joshua (Health & Safety), Annalise & Henry Yr 3 Junior school reps, John & Mia Yr 4, Vince & Stefanie Yr 5, Taine & Jordan Yr 6, Abigail & Tim Yr 7, Mrs Jackson
Concerns brought up by the children and solutions suggested by the children
Year 8 Leadership Trip to Dunedin for NYLD
Present: Abby (Secretary), Riley (Chair today), Cameron & Joshua (Health & Safety), Annalise & Henry Yr 3 Junior school reps, John & Mia Yr 4, Vince & Stefanie Yr 5, Taine & Jordan Yr 6, Abigail & Tim Yr 7, Mrs Jackson
Concerns brought up by the children and solutions suggested by the children
- Inappropriate Talking in the playground - Cameron will talk to the school at kotuitui
- Rubbish & broken bottles found in the hedge- talk to duty teacher and put into the bins
- Climbing trees in the senior school - we will allow this and trial it to a safe height in Term 3, investigate creative junk play opportunities similar to the junior school, other suggestions - the Yr 8's could run a woodwork station
- Peer Mediators- Some junior school children don't know who they are and what they do. We decided to change their name to be more 'child friendly'-PLAYGROUND HELPERS. They will share this at kotuitui
- Some older children not being friendly toward younger ones in the senior playground - Could be as a result of sharing space with field out if action when wet. Year 8's will trial bringing plastic bags for shoes and using the field next week. Take shoes off and store in cubbies upstairs in bags so that the mud doesn't go everywhere.
The final meeting for the the Term 1 and 2 reps will be in week 1 Term 3. There will be a thank you morning tea during this week as well.
School Councillors meeting in ruma koru our community meeting room |
Senior leaders from the School Council with camera shy Riley! |
Year 8 Leadership Trip to Dunedin for NYLD
(compiled by guest blogger Mr Thomas Moore in collaboration with the students)
On 19 May 2014, Ruma Matai took part in the National Young
Leader’s Day (NYLD) at the Town Hall in Dunedin. This interactive event is
organised to inspire and build the next generation of leaders in New Zealand,
and they are held in 7 locations around the country. Over 1400 intermediate
students from around the Otago province attended.
The theme of the day was ‘Dream, Dare, Develop.’ The event
was a learning extravaganza, with live music performances from Nakita Turner,
3D movie clips and songs, and celebrities such as Brad Thorn and Gemma from
What Now?
There were several guest speakers, who provided us with many
inspirational ideas, thoughts, and goals moving forward. The students of Ruma
Matai have created a wall display in their classroom, some of the ideas and
lessons they have learned from each speaker can be seen below:
Brad Thorn, All Black
and Highlanders rugby legend:
Never give up, keep on striving to be the best. If you get knocked down, get straight back up.
Remain humble and thankful to God for the opportunities you have.
Never give up, keep on striving to be the best. If you get knocked down, get straight back up.
Remain humble and thankful to God for the opportunities you have.
Christian Gallen,
Attitude presenter and surfer:
Get good at being bad, because you will fail at some things (and that’s fine)Learn to cook a decent meal.You don’t have to be great when you start, you have to start to be great.
Apologise when you do wrong or things will just get worse.
Get good at being bad, because you will fail at some things (and that’s fine)Learn to cook a decent meal.You don’t have to be great when you start, you have to start to be great.
Apologise when you do wrong or things will just get worse.
Emily Sutton,
scientist and entrepreneur:
If you have a good idea, talk to people and you can make it happen.
1. Be curious. 2. Be different. 3. Be yourself. 4. Have fun!
Leadership is not easy – ask for help if you need it.
If you have a good idea, talk to people and you can make it happen.
1. Be curious. 2. Be different. 3. Be yourself. 4. Have fun!
Leadership is not easy – ask for help if you need it.
Tamsin Cooper,
world-renowned designer and ballet choreographer:
Take risks and believe in yourself. Dream, dream and then do it!
You don’t have to have one dream, strive towards many.
One thing can lead to another in life – never turn down opportunities.
Cam Calkoen, motivational speaker who was born with cerebral palsy:
Never give up on anything.You are not going to be the best when you start, but persevere and you will achieve.Dream Big, Achieve More
Dare to be different
Take risks and believe in yourself. Dream, dream and then do it!
You don’t have to have one dream, strive towards many.
One thing can lead to another in life – never turn down opportunities.
Cam Calkoen, motivational speaker who was born with cerebral palsy:
Never give up on anything.You are not going to be the best when you start, but persevere and you will achieve.Dream Big, Achieve More
Dare to be different
Our school was chosen to present Brad Thorn with a thank-you gift after his presentation. We were selected because, in the organisers’ words, ‘our uniforms looked immaculate, and we like to have well-dressed students onstage with our speakers.’ The diligence and attitudes of the Matai students during this day were fantastic. With our school on show, we represented St Joseph’s supremely well.
A huge thank you to Mrs Patterson who accompanied us on the trip.
Year 8 Leadership meetings Monday 16th June 2014
Head Students
These leaders are making progress on their goal to create and award certificates to recognize external achievements by students. They will give teachers lists for children to record their achievements and present certificates on Friday 27th June.We discussed the fact that sometimes leaders have to go the extra mile to bring their ideas to life and do some preparation in their own time.
School Council
They are focusing on preparing for the disco for early Term 3 and will liaise with the Home & School to make this event happen. We spoke about the fact that leaders need to be proactive to help put their ideas into action and that if everyone sits back and waits for someone else to do something then things won't always get done.
House Captains
The leaders are planning the House Mufti Day for the end of term. Children can come dressed in house colours for a gold coin donation for Caritas. They will organise sports games and compete for the House Shield. These students prepared information about these events to go into this week's Newsblog.
School Council Meeting Tuesday 27th May 2014
Chairperson and secretary today Ben SewHoy
- We looked at the junior playground and suggested ideas to finish it off. The long slide will go into the ground as part of a path to roll balls along
- Pumpkins from the school vegetable garden will be sold by the councilors before school for $2.50
- Can we ask the council to use a catcher when our fields are cut ?
- The junior school need more pallets to play and build with and we will talk to Mr Jelgersma
- Henry's dad has some large tyres that could be used for the sand pit
- The last few councilors are completing their profiles to display
Every Year 7 student creates a CV, attends an interview and takes on a leadership role in Year 8 at St Joseph's. They have weekly meetings with the principal and learn how to action their ideas.
Last Monday the Year 8 students attended the National Young Leader's Day in Dunedin. We will share more about that visit soon.
Monday 26th May 2014
Today I met with the Head Students, the Catholic Cultural Leaders and the House Captains.
Head and Deputy Students
We discussed the importance of committing to a task and then sticking to a timeline and actioning it. Earlier this term, the students were keen to create some certificates for students who make the effort to participate in activities outside school but don't normally get recognised. They will try and complete and prepare these to present during an assembly this term. They are pleased with the way they are leading kotuitui's and suggested that a roster be organised for the rest of the class to have a turn at presenting assemblies when there is no technology at St Kevin's.
Catholic Cultural Leaders
They came to the meeting well organised and ready to share their ideas. They are busy planning a talent show and are aware that early Term 3 would be better as preparations for the Senior Production are underway and it is a short term. They have prepared some posters to share and will let the school know about their plans during kotuitui.
House Captains
They were proud of their achievements with the before school Zumba classes that they have started this term. They organise and lead these in the hall at 8:40am every Wednesday. There is a big turnout of children of all ages. They spoke about a way of helping some of the small children with the trickier steps and agreed to stand next to those children and support them. I congratulated them on their success with this venture. They will also look at running a class during winter and the wet lunchtimes.
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