Monday, 16 March 2015

Engaging Learning Spaces ELS's: 5 questions on the eve of our first open morning for parents

We are continually striving to stay focused on our school wide goal : Engage every student in deep learning for success
Seven weeks ago, we launched our new 'Engaging Learning Spaces' (ELS's) across the school from Year One to Year Eight.
In a valiant effort to support parents to understand how our collaborative team teaching spaces operate, we planned some open mornings.

I am writing this post on the eve of our very first open morning and wondering:

1.Will any parents actually turn up?
 We have advertised it on our calendar since the start of the year. It has been in our newsblog and on our Facebook page.

2. If they do come along, will they be open to understanding how the ELS's work ? 
 We hope that the support we have provided through the Family Learning Huis and the transparency on the Teaching and Learning site will help.

 3. Will they be brave enough to ask questions ?
 It will be up to us to create the environment where they feel at ease to ask questions and make comments. We will need to be prepared for challenging questions.

 4. Will they be able to link what they see to the planning on the Teaching & Learning Site ?
 We will be able to point this out before the tour starts by having a quick look together on the site and seeing what we expect to be happening in the ELE's.

5. How will our teachers and students feel about the experience ?
 We have to remember to be supportive of our staff and students and remind parents and visitors that the staff and students might feel a little nervous with us around. Hopefully, everyone will respect each others feelings. After all, "respect" is one of our school values.

This afternoon, Lorraine Frances-Rees and I gave a presentation to staff at St Joseph's in Timaru (an hour north of Oamaru). We shared our journey from the past few years in relation to our ELS's. Their staff will be coming to visit us in a few weeks time to see our learning hubs in action. Our open morning for parents will be an excellent opportunity for all of us to reflect and review on how our students are engaging in deep learning for success as we continue to strive for transparency around everything we do.

I will let you know what and who tomorrow brings...........

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