Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Are you ready for the new school year ? 5 key reminders

In 2014, we began to share our learning, news and events digitally.  Our blogs became a feature for learners, families and interested visitors from all over the world.

Miss Tangney and her class received over 15,000 views alone.

 We became engaged, motivated writers when we understood that there was an authentic audience interested in our news and views. This was one of the many ways that we began to bring alive our school wide goal ' To engage every student in deep learning for success'.

This year my traditional welcome letter has been flipped into a blog. Why? Since returning from my sabbatical at the end of Term 1 last year, blogging has become a reflective pastime for me. I have been able to share our school wide learning and change as well as my own leadership developments and practices. I have been motivated and inspired by comments and feedback and plan to continue to reflect and share further learning and growth in 2015.

Here are 5 key reminders for the new school year:

1. School starts back on Monday 2nd February. The uniform shop will be open on Friday 30th January from 11:30-2:00 pm and Monday 2nd February from 8:30-9:30.

2. Our hardworking staff have been very busy preparing the new learning hubs. Here is a sneak preview of some of the spaces around the school including our new community meeting space. It's still work in progress but we will be ready to go on Monday. Here is a reminder about the learning changes and developments for parents.

3. The dedicated 2015 'Teaching and Learning Site' will go live this coming weekend. This is where everyone will be able to access all learning information including important links. Special thanks to Mrs Frances-Rees for developing this site for us. All of us are now using it on a daily basis to make our teaching and learning transparent.

4. On Thursday 5th February there will be a welcome back liturgy followed by the presentation of badges to our Year 8 leaders at 2:15pm in St Patrick's Basilica. All parents and friends are welcome to join us.

5. Please contact us if you have any questions, worries or concerns by emailing office@stjoseph.school.nz or jjackson @stjoseph.school.nz or by ringing 03 4348856
Please like us on our school Facebook page St Joseph's Oamaru, Twitter @stjoesoamaru and Instagram #Stjoesoamaru You can also check up on any information on our newsblog or school website

We look forward to welcoming you all back to St Joseph's for the 2015 school year as we continue to Reach for the Stars as Lifelong Learners in the Catholic Faith.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Joanne. It certainly is. The teachers have had a meeting today and we are all feeling energised and looking forward to sharing our new learning spaces with the children and families.

  2. great introduction to the new year, Jenny

  3. Thanks JM. We have such an inspiring team of staff who are excellent role models of lifelong learners.I can't wait for Monday.
