The evening began with a reminder of our school wide goal:To engage every student in deep learning for success.
Digital devices are one tool for supporting engagement in deep learning. We use a range of ways to make this happen. These thinking progressions help to explain what we mean by deep learning.
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Stage 1 of 4 stages leading the children to deep learning for success |
Keeping track of multiple school blogs
Go to the google plus symbol and click on it and add the author of the blog into your circles. You will then be able to open a page of multiple blogs and keep up with the latest published news from classrooms.
A day in the life of a BYOD classroom
Mrs Frances-Rees and the manuka class presentation shows how BYOD (bring your own devices) works in a Year 7 classroom. You can access this by going to this link.
Our focus is understanding that learning happens all the time. It's not limited to just between the hours of 9-3 at school. Now the children have access to school learning via our blogs and sites at home. You as parents and caregivers also have access and can support and reinforce learning at other times. If the learning is engaging then the children are more likely to want to learn themselves.
Here is a link to a video of Year 7 students articulating SOLO learning, Key Conpetencie's & digital technology and how these engage them in deep learning
Chromebook information
Gareth and a team from Harvey Norman explained how chromebooks work. We have flyers available in the office that describe the special deals only available to schools. Families can contact Gareth or the team from Timaru and Dunedin for more advice. We have their contact details in the office. We will share more information about this at our next meeting as well.
Extras to think about before our next get together early in Term 4
Bringing our families and students together with staff, is a way to learn together. It's also a way for families and students to actively contribute towards our vision to achieve our goal for success for our students.
Our work as part of a learning and change network has encouraged us to engage about learning with our students, families and community. This is a link to a recent video that I made explaining how we can achieve much more by sharing our own knowledge and expertise together.
We look forward to learning together again at the next hui planned for early Term 4.